Welcome to my Portfolio

See something on my portfolio that you like? I am always looking for new projects to work on. Make sure to check out my pricing for freelance work.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Lets Play Alpha!

This project was to create fun word game that would teach students about how a Binary Search works. To make the game easier, I took some of the elements from the game "Wordle" and added them to this game. I need to go through and refactor the game, but it is a fun project that I am proud of.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Blue Ridge Blazes

This project is not complete just yet. I am working to build out the content for the site, but the backend and design of the site is complete. This is a site to give info to people visiting the area I live around about trails and hikes in the area.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Teacher ToDo List

I built this web app for teachers at my school. Teachers have to keep track of everything that they teach, their learning targets. I built this so that they can show them to students, and keep track of what they have taught. I used [Next JS](https://nextjs.org ) and [Hygraph](https://hygraph.com/) for this project.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Is It Raining?

I created this is a fun site when exploring the Astro framework. It pulls from a weather API and will indicate a message if its currently raining or not. The site information is not very useful since you can just look out your window, but was a good way to look into how Astro works.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Hex Color Picker

This is another tool I build for my students. I wanted to explore the idea of relative paths in a website. So I created this tool where my students can enter a hex color code and then the site will route to that page and update the background color to the one they selected.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Binary Number Calculator

One of the topics I teach my CS stuents in Binary numbers. When I first started teaching this topic, we would use a paper manipulative to help students understand. This site is a digital version of the same manipulative.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Binary Number Quiz

Building on Binary numbers, I created this quiz app for my students to test their binary number knowledge. Each quiz builds out 5 questions randomly. It picks a random binary number and then converts it to decimal. It assigns the correct answer randomly and then picks 3 random numbers for the wrong answers.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Erin Does Yoga

I designed this site for my wife. She is a Yoga instructor and wanted a landing page for her practice. I used images from her trip to India when she studied Yoga there.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Business Ed Mockup

I designed this as a quote for a client. They wanted a site that would be a landing page for their business. I used the images they provided and went from there. It was a lot of fun working on this page and to really focus on the CSS in desktop and mobile views. In addition, I made the feature so that all the content is driven from GraphQL so that this can be modified easily in the future.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Life Event Announcement Site

I designed this site for fun. I was thinking about how people announce life events. I thought it would be fun to design a site that could be used for weddings, birthdays, or really anything that was important to them. They could just text out this link and then people could go to the site and see the announcement.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Restaurant Template Site

I designed this site for fun. I watch a lot of foodie shows with my family. So I though it would be fun to design a landing page for a restaurant.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Events Template Site

I designed this site for fun. I am a runner and have done lots of races in the past. I wanted to design a template page for new events. I had alot of fun making this one.

Erin Does Yoga Site

Tic Tac Toe Game

When I first started learning JS I made this Tic Tac Toe game. I had the intention of this being a game that I could play with my kids. It was made with HTML and JS - no frameworks involved.